Thanks to the latter, you'll find loads of resources that offer you all sorts of cheats, tips, and guides to move around, find out the control commands, make the most of all the elements to build constructions or craft objects.

Its visual aspect reminds us of video games from the first half of the '90s but that hasn't prevented millions of gamers from playing it. Its developers haven't tried to use sharp highly-defined images, but totally the opposite: pixelated graphics that have become its sign of identity. One of the most noteworthy aspects of Minecraft PE can be found in its graphics. This is a game in which your imagination is the only limit.

The truth is that this game incorporated when it was launched an innovating combination of genres: on the one hand, construction, but on the other, adventure, action, and platforms. The video game initially developed by Mojang and later purchased by Microsoft has become a real hit with millions of players all over the world. If sandbox games about building with blocks have become a trend that's definitely thanks to Minecraft Pocket Edition.